Midweek Worship
December 2018 to February 2019
Messy church happens at Caldy Valley, Kelsall, Tarvin
and Kingsley Hurst once a month (see separate article on Messy Church)
Cafe Church happens at Norley once a month on a Wednesday (see Circuit Calendar)
There is a Communion service at Saltney every Thursday at 9.30am. Also on a Thursday there is a service at Wesley at 12.30pm.
Every first Wednesday of the month at 2pm there is an afternoon service at 'The Windings', Cable Drive, Helsby. Coffee is served at 1.30pm.
TGiF (Thank God it's Friday) our new Circuit Worship Service, is held at Helsby once a month. Evenings begin with a meal at 6.30pm. We move into the main worship space for a 7.30pm start. The music is contemporary, prayers extemporary and atmosphere more fluid than our more traditional worship times. Next dates are 25th January and 1st March.
You will be most welcome at any of these services.
North Cheshire Methodist Circuit
c/o Helsby Methodist Church
Chester Road, Helsby
Chester, WA6 0AQ