Easter Offering 2020 Into All The World
Each year, the Methodist Church holds an Easter Offering dedication service. This tradition dates back to 1883, when women in Manchester collected £32 for missionary work overseas from 'Christmas pennies' at family gatherings on Christmas Day. All the money raised through the Easter Offering goes to the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain for work in our 65 Partner Churches around the world. This money is used by overseas partners to fund such work as: enabling young women in north India to undertake nurse and midwifery training and supporting Brazilian women to work in their churches with vulnerable women and children. In 2019, collections from Easter Offering services raised over £370,000, thanks to the generosity of Methodist men, women and children. The Easter Offering 2020 dedication service features people who have made a journey: some in obedience to God's call on their lives, and others because they had no choice. The worship encourages us to reflect and learn from those who travel, and to consider our own journeys.
The Easter Offering Dedication Service is 10th May 2020 at Kelsall 6.30pm led by Rev'd Neil Stacey.
North Cheshire Methodist Circuit
c/o Helsby Methodist Church
Chester Road, Helsby
Chester, WA6 0AQ