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The Deacon's News Part 2

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What in God's name is the Deacon doing?

Part 2 of a report on the ministry of Deacon Tim Coleman in the Runcorn section of the North Cheshire Methodist Circuit: 27th January 2020

Keeping you informed on how things are progressing

ATC Chaplaincy

Through a developing connection with St Mary's minister in Halton village, I was invited to participate in the Remembrance parade through which I made contact with the Runcorn 306 squadron of the ATC. Having previously been a Padre to an ATC squadron, I offered them my services as Padre and currently we are in the application process.

Schools Work

I have approached a number of schools in the Runcorn area to develop some form of ministry, primarily school assemblies. I have become a governor to St Mary's Halton and have done one school assembly at Weston Point primary. Some of the schools have participated with the Hope Journey experience at The Heath and Trinity churches, so I hope to build on these links and see what develops.

Mission Murdishaw

The mission to the Murdishaw area is something I have been working on quietly in the background. Primarily a work of prayer – I started with a prayer-cycle and have explored the area on foot and by car too. I have spotted a potential opportunity in a allotment space in the Murdishaw community centre. There is a good-sized plot that could be taken on by a group with the aim not so much to grow food as to grow a Christian community. It needs volunteers who either know a bit about gardening or are happy to learn. This might be the way forward for the mission or perhaps a stepping stone to something else. I continue to pray about it and I'm reaching a point where I will start something. Contact me if you are interested.

Pastoral work in the Runcorn Churches

I have been working collaboratively with the Rev Alison Crookes in pastoral visits to care homes, the local hospital and a few home visits. Alison does most of this work and I help out when needed. In addition we meet for prayer and to plan and execute Bible study and prayer events for the three Runcorn Churches.

Youth Work at The Heath

Contact with the youth group has been occasional, however Alison and I are planning that we will visit the group alternately on a regular basis – the time-table yet to be determined in consultation with the group.

Ecumenical ministry

I attended my first Churches Together in Runcorn meeting recently and after making a suggestion I have been tasked to explore how we go about planting trees in the town and report back to the steering group my findings.

If you would like to know more about the work and the Methodist Diaconal Order, please contact me.

Every Blessing


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