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Methodist Circuit

Coronavirus Update

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18th March 2020 North Cheshire Methodist Circuit

Coronavirus Covid-19 Guidance

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The news published by the Methodist Church on 17th March 2020 begins:
It is with sadness that we recommend that worship services in Methodist Churches are suspended for the time being in line with Government guidance.

In the light of that advice, and following discussion at our Circuit Meeting, the North Cheshire Circuit is recommending that we suspend all gatherings in our churches: both public worship and other activities.

As always, our concern is that our churches and communities are as safe as possible. We need to make every effort not to spread infection. At the same time, we also have a concern not to cause undue anxiety; and we want to encourage people to stay in touch with one another and support each other.

The most up to date advice from The Methodist Church, can be found at:

We are already working hard to work out ways of keeping in touch. If you have access to the internet, please try to keep in touch with news from your local church and the circuit – and do what you can to help us get news to those who are not. It is not the case that "church has stopped"; but we need to "do church differently".

We will do our best to provide up to date information on the circuit website and the new Circuit Facebook page:

We know that many people are having to make very hard decisions: for themselves, in their places of work and in the church. All of us can support each other in prayer. In the letter to the Colossians, chapter 3, and verse 14, we read:

"The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body."
(Good News Bible)

Yours in Christ,
Rev J Neil Stacey
On behalf of the North Cheshire Methodist Circuit Leadership Team

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Registered Charity No. 1134366

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North Cheshire Methodist Circuit
c/o Helsby Methodist Church
Chester Road, Helsby
Chester, WA6 0AQ

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