Circuit Project: Cheshire Search and Rescue June 2016 – December 2017
When the circuit project began, the target of £10,000 seemed a very long way away. However, although there may have been a few doubts along the way we have reached our target! At the recent Circuit Meeting at Wesley Methodist Church, St John's Street, Chester, Superintendent Minister Rev'd Neil Stacey presented Cheshire Search and Rescue with a cheque for £10,589. The money will be used to buy new radios for the team helping to make them more efficient and to find people quicker.
Every church in the circuit has made a contribution to help us reach our target. Some of the smaller churches having raised amounts much greater than their size would suggest.
The number of events used to raise money varied enormously. Collections were taken at circuit services and individual church events from Easter, through the summer via harvest to Christmas. Events involving food, as you might expect in any Methodist Church were considerable. There were several soup lunches, a safari supper, special meals and a large number of coffee mornings with all sorts of biscuits and cakes on offer.
There were quizzes, bring and buy sales, a treasure hunt, music events: choirs and concerts and instrumental performances plus an auction of promises held at Hoole last September which beat all expectations!
A huge 'well done' must be extended to everybody who has had anything to do with the raising of money for 'Cheshire Search and Rescue'. Whether a big or small amount was raised at your event, we extend our grateful thanks. It is all the more remarkable as most churches continue to raise money for many other charities as a matter of course throughout the year as well as for the Circuit Project.
North Cheshire Methodist Circuit
c/o Helsby Methodist Church
Chester Road, Helsby
Chester, WA6 0AQ